event tracking

Project-Based Learning

145 results.

February 10, 2020 Diversion Vs. Distraction

With the possible exception of Netflix, I can’t think of anything that can hold a person’s focused attention for an entire day. However, we expect…

February 7, 2020 PBL and Impeachment: A Learning Experience

It may have escaped your notice, but recently the President of the United States was impeached in December when the House of Representatives approved articles…

January 20, 2020 PBL and Differentiated Instruction

There’s an old saying allegedly attributed to Albert Einstein, “Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a…

January 17, 2020 And the Oscar Goes To…

I’m a bit of a film buff, so I was eager to learn the nominees for the 2020 Academy Awards when they were announced earlier…

January 10, 2020 Civic Engagement in the Classroom

It would be inaccurate to say we live in an increasingly polarized culture. It’s more like we exist in a Thunderdome of controversy which occasionally…

January 3, 2020 Make it Matter! Assessment Strategies in PBL

There’s an old saying among authors, “Great works aren’t written, they’re rewritten”. It’s tempting to look at a completed novel and think the author wrote…

December 20, 2019 An iPhone in a Snowbank

The evening before leaving for vacation, my daughter unknowingly dropped her iPhone into the freshly falling snow near a friend’s driveway. For those of you…

December 16, 2019 The Proof is in The Fire

We hear a lot about the need for educators to be passionate. Teachers must bring passion to their lessons, be passionate about their students, inspire…