
Creative and Critical Thinking

270 results.

March 14, 2024 AI-lien: Helping Student Articulate Their Understandings

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, incorporating technology in the classroom has become increasingly important. As educators, we constantly seek innovative methods to…

March 7, 2024 RAIght or Wrong: Co-Creating Frameworks to Guide Student AI Use

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, incorporating technology in the classroom has become increasingly important. As educators, we constantly seek innovative methods to…

March 1, 2024 Tandem Tales: Creativity, Collaboration, and an AI Twist

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, incorporating technology in the classroom has become increasingly important. As educators, we constantly seek innovative methods to…

February 23, 2024 Pen PAIs: Bringing ANY topic to Life with AI!

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, incorporating technology in the classroom has become increasingly important. As educators, we constantly seek innovative methods to…

February 9, 2024 Discovery Quest: A Doorway to Personalized Learning and Discovery

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, incorporating technology in the classroom has become increasingly important. As educators, we constantly seek innovative methods to…

February 2, 2024 First, Second, Last: Using AI to Supercharge Critical Thinking

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, incorporating technology in the classroom has become increasingly important. As educators, we constantly seek innovative methods to…

January 12, 2024 Choose Your Own Adventure: Sparking Creativity in Storytelling with AI

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, incorporating technology in the classroom has become increasingly important. As educators, we constantly seek innovative methods to…

December 7, 2023 Simple Strategies for Decoding Differentiation

Differentiation is a critical topic in the world of education. Every student comes from a different place with a unique and special personality. They’re also…