Board of Governors
Members of Van Andel Institute’s Board of Governors support the Institute financially and are the ambassadors who share VAI’s mission, vision and important work with others to help gain further support to advance the Institute’s efforts.
Board of Governors members are encouraged to make an annual contribution of $3,000 or more per couple. Membership in the Board of Governors is by invitation only.
The Board of Governors:
- Serve as ambassadors and advance the mission and vision of the Institute in the local community.
- Remain current on research and educational advancements that are underway at VAI.
- Attend special events, lunches and lectures when possible.
- Provide perspectives and ideas aimed at advancing VAI’s vision and development activities.
The Board of Governors will have a minimum of two invitation lectures and one social engagement each year. Events include:
- 2 complimentary tickets to the invitation-only Carol Van Andel Angel of Excellence Dinner & Award Presentation
- 2 complimentary tickets to the Board of Governors Dinner
- Recognition on VAI’s website and in the Institute’s annual report
Current Board of Governors
Co-chairs: Tim Long & Vicky Ludema
Listed by Individuals and Organizations separately.
Alan & Debbie Abraham
Dennis & Barbara Adama
John & Mary Amell
Dale Pendleton & Mary Avis Pendleton
Jeffrey & Cheryl Baker
James & Shirley Balk
Rob & Katie Barcelona
John & Ginny Baysore
Priscilla Becker
William & Amy Bennett
Gregory & Rajene Betz
Franco & Alessandra Bianchi
Dr. David & Jill Bielema
Chuck & Christine Boelkins
Donald Botting
Daniel & Sherry Bowen
Anne Brennan
Alan & Ruth Breuker
Brent & Rachael Brinks
David & Sallie Brinks
Jason & Jodi Brinks
Lenny & Laura Brucato
Dr. Jim & Martie Bultman
Tom Bylenga
Carol Bylsma
Jerry & Suzanne Callahan
Scott & Heidi Campbell
David & Kerry Clay
Adams Conrad
Ryan & Jessica Cook
Bill & Marilyn Crawford
Mimi Cummings
Tom & Tracy Curran
Bill Currie
William & Terri DeBoer
David & Barbara Decker
Doug & Sandy Dekock
Jeffrey & Kate DeLongchamp
Mike & Amy Devanney
Rob & Allison DeVilbiss
Doug & Maria DeVos
Dick & Betsy DeVos
Brian & Barbara DeVries
William & Patricia Dodds
John Dykema & Michele Maly-Dykema
Brian & Stacie Ehler
Michael & Lynette Ellis
Jim & Nancy Engen
Pete & LeAnn Engles
Mickie Fox
Robert & Karri Gabridge
Dan & Cinda Geelhoed
Daniel & Marguerite Gordon
Barbara Gould
Dr. Martin & Peggy Greydanus
Jeff & Ann Harten
Kurt & Madelon Hassberger
Matt & Jodie Haverdink
Paul & Sheryl Haverkate
Tom Hilldore & Mandy Compagner
Dan & Kristin Hinkle
Dave & Donna Hockstra
Philip & Sharon Hoekstra
Frances Hogsten
J.C. & Tammy Huizenga
Bill & Starr Humphries
Ben & Molly Hunting
Patrick & Jasmine Irish
Carl & Kelly Jandernoa
Mike & Sue Jandernoa
Sidney & Cate Jansma
Lynly Jeanlouis
Matt & Sarah Jones
Dr. Peter & Veronica Jones
David & Nancy Kammeraad
John & Nancy Kennedy
Michael King
Dr. Craig & Debra Kinney
Greg Northrup & Birgit Klohs
Steve Klotz
Mike Kolehouse
Al & Robin Koop
Ken & Gwenn Kozlow
Colin & Sarah Kraay
Blake & Mary Krueger
Kurt & Jena Lacks
Al & Linda Lanning
Raymond & Jeannine Lanning
Arlyn & Marcia Lanting
John & Mary Leese
Timothy & Kimberly Long
Grant Ludema
Gary & Vicky Ludema
William & Laureen McKendry
Susan Meell
Mark & Mary Beth Meijer
Dan & Rebecca Meyering
Buzz & Lisa Miller
Jack H. Miller
Mike & Rachel Mraz
Tim & Denise Myers
Richard & Paula Nelson
Jack Nichols
Ryan & Sarah O'Donnell
Dr. Juan & Mary Olivarez
Steve & Beth Olson
Samuel & Cheryl Pinto
Diego Filippi & Maddalena Pistillo
Todd Rempe
Mark Rocca & Jennifer Fowler
Eve Rogus & Paul Becker Family
Dr. Jack Romence
John & Therese Rowerdink
Gideon Sanders
Patricia Schetz
Mary Schregardus
Thomas & Constance Selvius
Tony & Dawn Semple
George & Missy Sharpe
George & Linda Sharpe
Dr. Thomas & Barbara Shaw
Kenneth & Dawn Shockley
Jack & Lori Skoog
David & Mary Slikkers
David & Linda Spencer
John & Judy Spoelhof
Scott & Jan Spoelhof
Robert & Susan Stafford
Thomas & Mary Stuit
David & Rhonda Stump
Duke & Karen Suwyn
David & Sandy Turner
David & Carol Van Andel
Steve & Amy Van Andel
Daniel & Ann Marie Van Eerden
Ronald & Helen Van Farowe
Donna Van Haren
Bob & Grace Van Timmeren
Allen & Nancy Vander Laan
Jeffrey & Jenni Vanderlaan
Michael & Gayle VanGessel
David & Beth VanPortfliet
Jim & Wanda Veld
Phil & Kathy Vogelsang
Keith Walker
Michael & Bonnie Walters
John & Vicky Weller
Bart & Wendy Williams
James & Sue Williams
Greg & Meg Willit
Bob & Karen Wiltz
John & Kathy Workman
Mary Workman
Tao Yang & Julia Liao
Jim & Jane Zwiers
Advantage Commercial Real Estate
Alliance Beverage Distributing
Amway Grand Plaza Hotel
Andy J. Egan Co.
AnLaan Corporation
Apogee Air
Applied Innovation
Bea Aldrink Idema Foundation
Bee Brave
Bengtson Center for Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery
Betten Baker
Betz Industries
BHS Insurance
BK Motor Sales
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Bouma Corporation
Brigade Fire Protection
Broadmoor Motor Group
Buist Electric
Calamos Advisors
Cars Against Cancer
Corewell Health
Custer Inc.
CWD Real Estate Investment
Davenport University
David Wiersema Memorial Golf Outing
Duncan Lake Middle School
Edge Natural Resources
Eenhoorn, LLC
Eileen DeVries Family Foundation
Element Four
Erhardt Construction
Ferris State University
Fifth Third Bank
First National Bank of Michigan - Grand Rapids Off
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Gentex Corporation
Grand Rapids Christian Schools
Grand Rapids Griffins
Grand Valley State University
Grandville Middle School
The H.T. Hackney Co.
Harvey Automotive
Hope College
Howard Miller Company
Huizenga Group
Interphase Interiors
James H. Bouwhuis Memorial Fund
Jeffery Roberts Design
John Ball Zoo
Johnson & Johnson
Kalamazoo College Lacrosse Purple Power
Kalamazoo Wings
Kool Auto Group
Lake Michigan Credit Union
Larry Desantis Memorial Golf Tournament
Life EMS
Loomis, Sayles & Company
Michelle Lunn Hope Foundation
Macatawa Bank
McAlvey Merchant & Associates
McShane & Bowie, PLC
Merrill Lynch - Timothy Long & William Mackay
Metal Flow Corporation
Michigan State University - College of Human Medicine
Midwest Capital Advisors LLC
Miller Johnson
MOJO Foundation
Nelson Family Fund within the Community Foundation
Neurofibromatosis Michigan
New Holland Brewing Co.
Nicolai Diamant Group
Non-Toxic Golf Outing
NPF Investment Advisors
Otsego High School
Otsego Public Schools
Paradise Foundation
Pediatric Dental Specialists of West Michigan
Peter C. & Emajean Cook Foundation
Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services
Pioneer Construction
Pitsch Companies
Plastic Surgery Associates, PC
Priority Health
Quality Air Service, Inc.
Railside Golf Outing
Ramon Bueno Cancer Support Foundation
Rams Hockey
Rockford Construction
Rottman Family Charitable Foundation
S.A. Morman & Co.
Samuel L. Westerman Foundation
Scott Group Studio
Secrest Wardle
Sibsco, LLC
Southside Ice Arena
St. George Peter & Paul Aid Society
Stamos Capital Partners
Standard Supply & Lumber US LBM
Stand Up For The Cure
Stewart & Lenore Kniff Family Foundation
Student Ambassador Program
Studio M Interiors*
Summit Point Roofing
Taconic Charitable Foundation
George & Dorothy Vande Woude Foundation
The Meijer Foundation
The Sarah J. Rijfkogel Foundation
THRIVE Consulting & Coaching
Trillium Investments
University of Michigan Health – West
US Bank
Van Eerden Food Service
Wells Fargo
West Ottawa Purple Power
William Grant & Sons
Windemuller Electric, Inc.
Wuskowhan Players Club